Story Telling Series - Week 1

Part 1 of 8 for my story telling series.


Deconstruct a story you know by heart and write a new perspective on that same story. Just a short outline is enough but if you want to do more, do more.

4 Cs of story are:

1. Character

2. Circumstance

3. Choice

4. Change

Hero’s Journey typical guidelines:

1. Status Quo (Ordinary World)

- At rest in home culture

2. Call to adventure (Ordinary World)

- Outside culture interacts with hero and calls him to action

3. Supernatural Aid (Ordinary World)

- More outside culture interacting with the hero to bring action

4. Crossing the threshold (Supernatural World)

- Finds himself in a world unknown to him.

5. Road of trials (Supernatural World)

- Lost of testing of his resilience in this new world that he must overcome.

6. Approach (Supernatural World)

- Meets companions. Meets mentor. More Trials.

7. Ordeal (Supernatural World)

- Near death experience but survives.

8. Reward (Supernatural World)

- Is rewarded for not dying. Could be knowledge, treasure, etc.

9. Magic Flight (Supernatural World)

- Flees the scene being pursued by the enemy.

10. Return (Supernatural to Ordinary World)

- Arrives back with more knowledge and power

11. Resurrection (Ordinary World)

- He has gone through a transformation

12. Resolution (Ordinary World)

- ONE FINAL TEST. He must use all the knowledge he has gained up until this point to pass the test/trial.

13. New Status Quo (Ordinary World)

- and so it begins again


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